Thursday, January 23, 2014

Semester Final Exam - Period 3

2. To see my favourite post of this semester, don't click here, click here!
-Firstly everything didn't go as plan, but when that happens "go with the flow" and that spontaneous thinking is what really had me on my toes for this project.
-Black & White is one of my favourite styles of photography it shows classiness and your true self.
-If you go through the pictures Me and my team took you can see the growth my group has had over this first semester.
-And lastly the pictures came out beautifully done, not to toot my own horn, just the way the came out surprised me.

This is my favourite picture of this to current date.
-It throws me back to my superman comic days
-The sun is showing but its not making an appearance and avoid the middle always make the best photo 
-Plus I didn't think this was going to be a good picture

 -In this assignment, my group and I were studying a photographer from the WWII era and mimicking his photo style and concept 
-He tried to capture emotion without a smile, I believe, and did so marvelously, the emotion in her isn't shown my color or a facial expression it's shown by her eyes which is said to be "the doorway to the soul"
-The lighting was something so simple to play with and yet it came out very elegantly, it blankets her face in a position where the intensity is all from her eyes.

5. Pros and cons of a group:
Pros; Models at my disposal, I can brainstorm with them, and its fun to go out in groups
Cons; They might push their idea to hard, some may do anything unwillingly and they can, at times, not always, hold you back.

6. Picture this.

7. Henri Cartier-Bresson wanted three things in all his photos, these were:
-Focus on geometry
-Be patient
-Stick to one lens


9. What would interest me is maybe a theme for the whole class or maybe something to take us out of our comfort zone

10. Why do I think Mr. Farley has a "hecka free zone"?
-He's probably trying to educate us without education us, kinda like feeding us without food. 

That is all, thank you for your time
~ C. Lemuel Ruiz-Vasquez

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Final Project.

~Portraits and Black & White; such a broad topic that it opens up my mind to an infinite amount of possibilities. This is just a few of them...~
Growing up as a child I was ( and still am ) geeky and nerdy, I also dare to say hipster in my own way (Cultivating my own sense of style and life, thats where its at bro) and all round awesome. And of course as with all little boys Superman and Batman were big influences on me. One of my favorite parts was when Superman would drop everything and goes do his thing. The glasses toss was the cherry on the sundae for me, He just looked like a "G" tossing them carelessly. This in commemoration of Our childhoods. Here's to you, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. {Creators of Superman}
How can you see a face like that and not take a few snap shots? Seriously. even though extremely camera shy, once in front of the lens she doesn't show it. All you need sometimes is motivation, and some shadows.

I still hold my ground on what I said before but why not add some "James Bond" into the mix. Plus, "Bowties are cool"
- The Doctor
The umbrella, the bowtie, the stare. Don't mess with mess with Mr. Ramos if you don't want an intense stare down
One of my favourite styles of photography is levitation photography, its an all around cool guy thing, #DatBowTie 

I had the "steering wheel" while Alberto Ramos held the map, just a representation of my collaboration work.

Again levitation photography done by this flying 21st century nomad, its no "air-chair' but it does just fine.